How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

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How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

Infographics as part of your SEO Strategy: Human brain takes a lot of time to process numbers and information. Making use of image or graphics, that conveys information and numbers is the best way to grasp more about the content. Hence, Image speaks louder than words.


Infographics also termed as Information graphics is a representation of information in the graphic format to make the data easily understandable at a glance. Infographics are graphical visual representations of data to present the information quickly.

Infographics plays an important role in SEO. Why?

Infographics as a part of SEO strategy allows you to take the complicated topic to easy way of visual content that holds the interest and attention of readers. Visual content is more effective to be shared on social media than other content. This leads us to creating a plan for involving Infographics into our Digital Marketing strategy.

How to create an effective Infographics for your SEO Strategy

Following Infographics from Serplogic tells us about how to create a successful Infographics in 6 easy steps:

  • Identify a topic that the target audience will be interested in.
  • Choose the type of infographic to create.
  • Source the content and data points for the infographics.
  • Create a design that’s both effective and eye-appealing.
  • Establish promotional strategy (both paid and organic).
  • Identify additional promotional partners.
How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy. Credits: Serplogic

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