Tag - Internet Marketing

12 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Experts

12 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Experts

Social media has become such a significant and important marketing platform that to sidestep such a golden opportunity would be a huge blunder. Want to see your numbers soar and reap the most from your marketing efforts? Would you like to discover how the most successful marketing campaigns managed to pull it off? 12 Social Media Marketing Tips from the Experts (Image courtesy – Search Engine Land) The experts have spoken and we’ve gotten a number of tips from them as [...]

Importance of link building & link popularity for your business website

Link building is one of the most important tactics used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For the crawlers, links are the roads between pages. Search Engine Optimization is a process of retrieving traffic to your website through organic search engine results.  It provides useful services to websites. Link Building Strategy SEO makes use of content and build link popularity so that the website is visible to the various search engines. The practice of link popularity refers to number of backlinks to [...]

How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

How Infographics Plays An Important Role In Your SEO Strategy

Infographics as part of your SEO Strategy: Human brain takes a lot of time to process numbers and information. Making use of image or graphics, that conveys information and numbers is the best way to grasp more about the content. Hence, Image speaks louder than words. Infographics Infographics also termed as Information graphics is a representation of information in the graphic format to make the data easily understandable at a glance. Infographics are graphical visual representations of data to present the [...]