Tag - IT

Top 15 Social Media Superwomen Which Will Truly Inspire You

Top 15 Social Media Superwomen Which Will Truly Inspire You

For the young & inspiring women who are modifying the social media marketing space and achieving great heights of success, Skyindya Technologies decided to design a special acknowledgement for these super ladies by including the top 15 of them in their featured list of top 15 Social Media Superwomen. These Superwomen have been redefining the Indian social media ecosystem! It’s a toast to some of the most inspiring women on Social Media! Let’s meet the best women of Indian Social [...]

Steps To Protect Your Website From Website Hackers

Steps To Protect Your Website From Website Hackers

How grave would it be if your secrets, crucial personal information or your website was disrupted by some online “goons”? Hackers are “online goons” who steal secrets by obtaining information illegally in computer systems. They use that knowledge to obtain things like credit card information or even take down a website by causing so much traffic. They range from young kids or adults having “fun” to professional hackers. Since preventing havoc is better than curing it, this article gives a [...]

Internet Of Things New Limits Of Your Imagination

How Internet Of Things will test the limits of your Imagination?

You have likely heard the term IoT(Internet of Things) at some point of your life but it may happen that you do not have a clear vision of this concept. The Internet of Things (IoT) is about to transform the next decade. Literally everything will be connected to everything. Some estimate that 50 billion devices will be IoT connected by 2020.  Let’s Focus on the deeper understanding of IoT in the world of automation. The IoT refers to the connection [...]

Mark Zuckerberg Shuts Down Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence After It Invents Its Own Language

Mark Zuckerberg Shuts Down Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence After It Invents Its Own Language

Artificial Intelligence Facebook shuts down its Artificial Intelligence program after they notice their AI bots invented their own language & started communicating without human input, which was difficult to interpret by users. This incident was highlighted when Elon Musk criticized Mark Zuckerberg’s understanding of AI. A big news in the field of Information Technology. Mark Zuckerberg Shuts Down Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence After It Invents Its Own Language Mark harshly criticized AI naysayers for framing this doomsday scenario. Researchers from Facebook AI Research [...]