WhatsApp To Introduce WhatsApp Verified Green Badge For Businesses To Talk To Customers

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WhatsApp To Introduce WhatsApp Verified Green Badge For Businesses To Talk To Customers

WhatsApp To Introduce WhatsApp Verified Green Badge For Businesses To Talk To Customers

Verified Green Badge – New way of Communication through business account using WhatsApp

Today we are in the age of smartphones and apps. Different brands are now trying to keep up with the times and reach out to customers in a more spontaneous manner. Just like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram now WhatsApp is also integrating with instant messaging platforms through its verified business account feature. By doing this, WhatsApp is trying to strengthen itself against SMS. It will be beneficial because India is a country where 200 million monthly active users are there. WhatsApp have keep on experimenting with new features like Video Calling FeatureSnapchat-Like Story Feature Called Status by killing their Old WhatsApp Status which they brought back, etc to give a variety to its users.


WhatsApp Verified Green Badge

The business accounts which are verified by WhatsApp now have their own green tick known as the WhatsApp Verified Green Badge. They will be able to directly message their own customers. But still we don’t have any information regarding which kind of checks it is carrying out to verify businesses. This feature is currently limited to a small number of businesses who is taking part in pilot program. After they get success in pilot program, this feature will be extended to more businesses, means more number of businesses will be able to enroll into this program and get a WhatsApp Verified Green Badge. Users will be informed when they are talking to a business via “yellow messages inside a chat”. If they have saved business telephone number in their address book, they will receive the message from that name. However, when a business’s phone number has not been saved in a user’s address book the name they will see is the name the business has chosen for themselves.

WhatsApp To Introduce WhatsApp Verified Green Badge For Businesses To Talk To Customers

WhatsApp To Introduce WhatsApp Verified Green Badge For Businesses To Talk To Customers

BookMyShow has been selected by WhatsApp for its pilot program. And they are using WhatsApp to send the booking confirmation to users. Users who don’t want to receive the message from BookMyShow can simply message “Stop”.

WhatsApp chats with business will be same as normal WhatsApp chats but these chats can’t be deleted. This feature will give them the permanence of email and it also helps prevent fraud. Like normal chats, users can also block messages of businesses.

Can WhatsApp for business kill SMS?

Actually, currently it is too early to imagine that WhatsApp for business can kill SMS but WhatsApp seems to be working towards its goal. According to the latest reports, WhatsApp will soon facilitate instant money transfer via Unified Payment Interface (UPI) transaction system. If WhatsApp could integrate payments into their app then customer could finish the entire transaction for BookMyShow. For example, they can choose seat, paying for the seat, and receive confirmation. In this way they will never leave WhatsApp.

WhatsApp for business may weaken the SMS, but the digital equivalent of Yamraj may have to stick around for many more years before it can escort SMS to the ‘digital graveyard”.

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